Recipe of Whole tilapia in herbs and garlic Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Whole tilapia in herbs and garlic.

Whole tilapia in herbs and garlic You can make Whole tilapia in herbs and garlic using 9 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Whole tilapia in herbs and garlic

  1. Add 2 of whole tilapia fish.
  2. Add to taste of Parsley.
  3. Insert 3 cloves of Garlic.
  4. Add to taste of Olive oil.
  5. Add to taste of Salt.
  6. Fill to taste of Pepper.
  7. Fill to taste of Paprika.
  8. Add to taste of Lemon juice.
  9. Mix to taste of Cilantro.

Quick Step To Make Whole tilapia in herbs and garlic

  1. Cut ingredients, place all together and mix in a bowl (or place in a blender).
  2. Make 3 diagonal cuts over the fish and place on an oven tray.
  3. Fill the fish with the mix, inside and over the cuts.
  4. Spread atlantic Sea salt over the fish and inside.
  5. Cover the tray in aluminum foil and place in the oven (190 degrees celsius) for 30 minutes and 10 minutes without the cover.
  6. Enjoy πŸ™‚.

That's how to make Whole tilapia in herbs and garlic Recipe.

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