Tutorial Of Steam Fish Maw w/ Chicken Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Steam Fish Maw w/ Chicken.

Steam Fish Maw w/ Chicken You can make Steam Fish Maw w/ Chicken using 5 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Steam Fish Maw w/ Chicken

  1. Fill 1 big piece of fish maw.
  2. Mix Half of chicken.
  3. Prepare As needed of Ginger juice.
  4. Insert To taste of Salt.
  5. Add 1 of little wine.

Easy Way To Make Steam Fish Maw w/ Chicken

  1. Arrange fish maw on a plate. Marinate chicken with salt wine and ginger juice. Arrange it on top of the dish maw. The fish maw later will be delicious because it will absorbs the juice or sauce from the chicken..
  2. Boil water in a wok or pot. When it start to boil. Add chicken and steam for 25 mins. Serve.

That's how to make Steam Fish Maw w/ Chicken Recipe.

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