How To Make Fish Tofu Soup Without Equal

The Recipe For Making Fish Tofu Soup.

Fish Tofu Soup You can make Fish Tofu Soup using 4 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Fish Tofu Soup

  1. Add of Any small kind of fish.
  2. Insert 6 of big slices of ginger.
  3. Mix of Bokchoy.
  4. Prepare 1 pc of firm tofu, cut into 4 cubes.

Step By Step To Make Fish Tofu Soup

  1. Heat wok and add cooking oil. When it is hot fry the ginger and the fish. Fry both sides, then add 4 cups of water cover and boil for 10 mins. Then off the fire, and transfer the fish and the ginger inside the fish strainer then cover..
  2. Get a deep pot and put the strainer inside, then pour the soup in the wok goes to the pot. Add some more water until the half of pot..
  3. Boil for 20 mins. Then add bok choy and tofu. Then keep boiling for 30 mins. Season with a little salt..

That's how to make Fish Tofu Soup Recipe.

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