How To Make Minced Fish Delicious

The Recipe For Making Minced Fish.

Minced Fish You can make Minced Fish using 6 ingredients in 1 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Minced Fish

  1. Add 1 of Fish (any kind).
  2. Add to taste of spring onion.
  3. Insert to taste of onion strips.
  4. Add 1 of egg.
  5. Fill to taste of salt.
  6. Add to taste of white pepper.

Step By Step To Make Minced Fish

  1. Wash properly the fish and debone fish. Mix the fish meat with salt, white pepper and flour. Form it into square and fry it. After frying cut into big cubes. Dip one by one into beaten egg to coat and fry then remove. Saute onion strips until translucent then stir fry with fish cubes then add spring onion then done.

That's how to make Minced Fish Recipe.

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