Tutorial Of Fish and Vege Soup Step by Step

The Recipe For Making Fish and Vege Soup.

Fish and Vege Soup You can make Fish and Vege Soup using 7 ingredients in 2 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Fish and Vege Soup

  1. Insert 4 of small fish.
  2. Mix 4 of potatoes, cube.
  3. Prepare 1 of carrot, cube.
  4. Insert 4 of tomatoes, cube.
  5. Add Half of big onion.
  6. Mix 5 of big slices of ginger.
  7. Insert of Salt.

Easy Way To Make Fish and Vege Soup

  1. Fry the fish with the ginger. When cooked. Add 2 cups of water and let it boil..
  2. Put it all the ings inside the pot. Then put the fish in bag or net. So that the bone will not come out. And put inside the pot. Boil for an hour in medium fire.

That's how to make Fish and Vege Soup Recipe.

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