How To Cook Starch Mix Salad Super Fast

The Recipe For Making Starch Mix Salad.

Starch Mix Salad You can make Starch Mix Salad using 13 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Starch Mix Salad

  1. Insert 1 lbs of Yam.
  2. Prepare 12 of banana.
  3. Insert 1/3 of Spam.
  4. Mix 1 tin of sweet corn.
  5. Prepare 1 tin of butter bean.
  6. Mix 1 of chili pepper.
  7. Fill 1/2 of onion.
  8. Fill 1 piece of eslion.
  9. Mix of Small piece of salt fish.
  10. Fill of Twisted macaroni.
  11. Mix of Butter.
  12. Insert of Vegetable oil.
  13. Mix of Mayonnaise.

Easy Way To Make Starch Mix Salad

  1. Add minced yam in boiling water and banana ; then put macaroni, spam and salt fish in a separate pot of water.
  2. Cut up onion, eslion and pepper and add dem in the heated oil; then you add the sweet corn n the butter bean in the pot.
  3. Mix the ingredients in step 1and2 after they have bean prepared; then add mayonnaise to the mix.
  4. And thats it your finished.

That's how to make Starch Mix Salad Recipe.

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