Tutorial Of Potato leaves Super Fast

The Recipe For Making Potato leaves.

Potato leaves You can make Potato leaves using 8 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Potato leaves

  1. Add 130 ml of palmoil.
  2. Fill 100 ml of water.
  3. Insert of Freshly pounded ogri (bennie seeds).
  4. Add of Pepper (to your satisfaction).
  5. Mix of Seasoning cubes and salt.
  6. Insert of Onions.
  7. Fill of potato leaves.
  8. Fill of Boiled Meat and fish.

Step By Step To Make Potato leaves

  1. Mix the water and palm oil.
  2. Add the Ogri, pepper and some seasoning cubes. Allow it to boil..
  3. Mix through out so that it doesn’t stick below..
  4. Allow it to boil for about 30 mins stack and add the meat..
  5. Add the potato leaves and mix. (That where the trick is)..
  6. Add the dried fish and cover. After 10 mins mix through it and you’ll have your fresh potato leaves ready to be served..

That's how to make Potato leaves Recipe.

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