How To Cook Goan Fish Curry (Good Attempt) Very Simple

The Recipe For Making Goan Fish Curry (Good Attempt).

Goan Fish Curry (Good Attempt) You can make Goan Fish Curry (Good Attempt) using 12 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Goan Fish Curry (Good Attempt)

  1. Insert of Rawas/Fish 500gms (Rub salt and set aside).
  2. Fill of Kokum.
  3. Prepare 3-4 of Green Chillies.
  4. Fill of Grind together.
  5. Fill 2 tbsp of Turmeric powder.
  6. Mix 6-7 of Red Chillies.
  7. Prepare of Coconut (Quarter).
  8. Mix 5 tbsp of Coriander Seeds.
  9. Fill 1 tsp of Jeera.
  10. Fill Half of cup imli water to paste.
  11. Add 2 of onions.
  12. Add of Oil.

Step By Step To Make Goan Fish Curry (Good Attempt)

  1. Grind everything to a super smooth paste..
  2. Heat oil. Add 5-6 tbsp of the paste and cook till water dries/oil separates..
  3. Add kokum. Add water and salt for required consistency. Bring to a boil..
  4. Add fish and lower flame and cook till done..

That's how to make Goan Fish Curry (Good Attempt) Recipe.

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