Recipe of Chicken in Ginger Broth with Chayote and Moringa - Filipino Tinola with more Veggies Delicious

The Recipe For Making Chicken in Ginger Broth with Chayote and Moringa - Filipino Tinola with more Veggies.

Chicken in Ginger Broth with Chayote and Moringa - Filipino Tinola with more Veggies You can make Chicken in Ginger Broth with Chayote and Moringa - Filipino Tinola with more Veggies using 14 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Chicken in Ginger Broth with Chayote and Moringa - Filipino Tinola with more Veggies

  1. Insert 1 of large bay leaf.
  2. Prepare 1 of thumb ginger, sliced lengthwise.
  3. Prepare 1 of red onion, sliced.
  4. Prepare 3 of garlic cloves, sliced.
  5. Fill 3 of chicken thighs, rubbed with salt.
  6. Add of Water, enough to fill pot to brim with all ingredients in.
  7. Mix 2 of mirliton or chayote, peeled & sliced.
  8. Add 5 pcs of winged beans, sliced.
  9. Mix 1 bunch of moringa / malunggay leaves.
  10. Mix 1 of thin bunch cilantro, chopped.
  11. Prepare 1 of chicken broth cube.
  12. Fill 3-4 Tbsp of fish sauce or as needed.
  13. Add 1 of thumb-length raddish, sliced in discs (optional).
  14. Mix 1 of finger chili, slice in the middle for heat.

Easy Way To Make Chicken in Ginger Broth with Chayote and Moringa - Filipino Tinola with more Veggies

  1. In a big soup pot add water, chicken and a bay leaf over medium heat. Another way of cooking is to sautΓ© the garlic & onions with the browning of chicken before adding water..
  2. Drop in the onions, garlic, ginger, finger chili and broth cube. Bring to a boil..
  3. Add the mirliton, raddish slices and winged beans. Cook 5-10 mins with lid..
  4. Lower heat. Add fish sauce. Taste and add more as needed. This brings saltiness and umami flavor to the broth. Stir a bit..
  5. Sprinkle the chopped cilantro on top and the moringa leaves. Turn off heat..
  6. Eat on it's own or pour hot soup over steamed rice for a hearty meal..

That's how to make Chicken in Ginger Broth with Chayote and Moringa - Filipino Tinola with more Veggies Recipe.

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