Recipe of Mango fish fry Super Fast

The Recipe For Making Mango fish fry.

Mango fish fry You can make Mango fish fry using 12 ingredients in 3 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Mango fish fry

  1. Insert 1 pack of block taposhi/mango fish.
  2. Insert 1 of onion (neatly chopped).
  3. Insert 1 pod of ginger (neatly chopped).
  4. Mix 2-3 of green chili slit.
  5. Mix 2 tbsp of red chili powder.
  6. Mix 2 tbsp of turmeric powder.
  7. Add 1 of lime slit.
  8. Add of For batter.
  9. Add 1/2 cup of besan/gram flour.
  10. Prepare 2 tbsp of turmeric powder.
  11. Insert 2 tbsp of red chili powder.
  12. Fill of Mustard/canola oil.

Step By Step To Make Mango fish fry

  1. De-frost the fish and pat dry in paper towels.Put onion, ginger,green chili and make a fine paste in blender.apply uniformly with salt and turmeric and red chili powder on the fish..
  2. For batter: pour gram flour/besan, turmeric and red chili powder and add lukewarm water and stir to make a fine paste so that no lumps are formed. The batter should be thick enough so that it doesn’t drip easily..
  3. Pour generous amount of oil in pan.Dip the fishes one by one in batter to coat uniformly and deep fry in hot oil evenly cooking on both sides..

That's how to make Mango fish fry Recipe.

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